Browser Daily Newsletter 1234

Put God In Charge Of Jerusalem

Adam Garfinkle | Tablet | 13th February 2014

Israel and the Palestinians will never agree to cede or divide sovereignty over Jerusalem. But that need not block a peace deal. Both can agree that God is ultimately in charge; so formalise that arrangement. "Agree to leave the question of national sovereignty over Jerusalem permanently in abeyance, and instead acknowledge the sovereignty of God. The Zero Option, in other words; or, if you prefer, the God Option"

Bicycles: A Buyer’s Guide

Dana Burkett | The Toast | 12th February 2014

What to do once you get into the bike shop. "No amount of online research can quite prepare you for the sight of multiple grown men in neon spandex, but knowing what you’re looking for can help you walk out satisfied (or at least not in tears). First I’ll give a quick primer on styles of bikes and cycling, then I’ll discuss tips for buying new vs. used, and finally, talk about fitting a new bike to your proportions"

Matthew Barney’s Mailer Mash-Up

Jed Perl | New Republic | 11th February 2014

Matthew Barney's new film, River of Fundament, is a work of "pharaonic immodesty" loosely based on Norman Mailer's "universally reviled" novel, Ancient Evenings. The "scatalogical excess" will "leave moviegoers covering their eyes". It's a mess, particularly towards the end, but an interesting one. "Barney, like Cocteau before him, understands that an element of camp or porn can be just the thing to recharge the old myths"

Writers Are the Worst Procrastinators

Megan McArdle | Atlantic | 12th February 2014

Many people procrastinate; writers are the worst. An author can be 20 years late with a book. No journalist starts work before deadline. Why so? Perhaps because writers are particularly susceptible to impostor syndrome. They fear to write for fear of writing badly and having their lack of talent exposed; only at the last minute does the fear of producing nothing surpass the fear of producing something terrible

42 Reflections On The Meaning Of Life

Ian Leslie | Medium | 13th February 2014

Notes from "a newly minted 42 year old" about life, the universe and everything. Much wisdom in a small space. "The closer you get to the boundaries of social acceptability in any conversation with a new acquaintance, the more interesting that conversation will be. This is a great rule to bear in mind if you want more interesting conversations. But never, ever seek to apply this rule when drunk"

Video of the day:  Stainless / Alexanderplatz

Thought for the day:

"Politics is the systematic organisation of hatreds" — Henry Adams

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