Brain Megalomania

What’s A Brain?

Claire L. Evans | Wild Information | 30th September 2024

Cognition is not limited to vertebrates with language, reasoning, or self-awareness. It happens all along the evolutionary ladder. The emerging field of minimal cognition studies decision-making and memory in cellular forms like amoeba, bacteria, yeast, and slime moulds. Instead of asking top-down questions about “consciousness”, minimal cognition tackles the enigma of the brain from the bottom up (1,400 words)

In Defense Of Megalomania

Kat Rosenfield | Free Press | 28th September 2024

On Francis Coppola’s new film Megalopolis and his insistence on owning the rights to his projects. He sold a portion of his Sonoma vineyard for an estimated $500 million to finance the film, which has since been universally panned by critics. “We should applaud, not condemn, his ambition. Unruly though Megalopolis may be, it’s the movie Coppola wanted to make.” Without great risks, there can be no great art (1,700 words)

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