Eyck Illusion

I Like Eyck

Gregory T. Clark | New Criterion | 29th April 2024

The work of 15C Flemish painter Jan van Eyck is worth going into raptures over. As well as a "seemingly effortless ability to present nature rather than represent it", he was wonderful at capturing light and atmosphere, right down to the most minute detail of his busy scenes. As the grime of centuries is cleaned off, these are paintings that must be seen face to face, not as reproductions (1,200 words)

The Illusion Of A Pagan West

Paul Kingsnorth | UnHerd | 6th September 2024

What if the Roman empire never truly ended? The last Emperor's reign came to a close with the fall of Constantinople in 1453, yes, but what we call "the West" is really just Rome under another name. We are not even as anti-religion as we might think, but rather inhabiting a faithless void. "The Void is our new Colosseum: both bounded and empty, a place of entertainment and terror" (3,200 words)

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