Guest Newsletter: Five Books

Five Books features in-depth author interviews recommending five books on a theme. You can read more interviews on the site, or sign up for the newsletter.

The Best Novels of 2023: The Booker Prize 

Every year, the judges for the Booker Prize read more than a hundred books that have been submitted by their publishers in the hope of being recognised by one of the world's most prestigious literary awards. Following the announcement of the winner last Sunday, our deputy editor Cal Flyn talks us through the books that made the shortlist.

The Best Russian novels

They're among the finest novels ever written, often vast in their scope and ambitious in their subject matter. Some are long, others can be read in an afternoon. They're also one of the best ways of understanding Russian history. Historian Orlando Figes, author of The Story of Russia, recommends his favourite Russian novels, from the 19th century to today.

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