Multiverse Islands

Walking Faroe Islands

Chris Arnade | Chris Arnade Walks the World | 17th September 2024

Excellent bus and ferry links make it possible to take a relaxed approach to hiking these 18 mountainous islands in the North Atlantic Ocean. The infrastructure is as impressive as the landscape. As well as public transport that makes car ownership non-essential, there is a "three-mile sub-sea tunnel with a roundabout in it" that connects three islands. Income inequality is extremely low (2,700 words)

Could A “Copy” Of Me Exist In The Multiverse?

Ethan Siegel | Big Think | 13th September 2024

Astrophysicist explains how string theory, the Planck scale and the "many worlds" interpretation of quantum mechanics intersect to suggest the possibility of a multiverse. If the inflationary universe is truly infinite, there will be copies of our own within it. This is a philosophically intriguing idea, but "there is no evidence at all that this has any tie to the reality that we inhabit" (3,600 words)

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