Never Work

Never Again in Russia

Olga Ametistova | Verfassungsblog | 25th July 2024

Russia's "never again" narrative is focused not on the Holocaust, but on what is perceived as "Victory in the 'Great Patriotic War' against fascism". A brief moment of honest reflection about WW2 in the 1990s was superseded by this ideology. "Ritualised and declared as a kind of state religion, it became a Victory Myth – and the cornerstone of national and later extreme nationalist ideology" (2,500 words)

Yes, We Still Have To Work

Noah Smith | Noahpinion | 25th July 2024

There has been a "vibe shift" on the left. "Worker" used to be an identity prized by socialists — with the caveat that work should not be harmful, exploitative or unpleasant to those doing it. More recently, universal basic income and the "anti-work" movement suggest growing support for the idea that all work should be abolished. Would we be better off as "glorified pets"? Of course not (2,300 words)

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