Eurovision Theories

Major Sociological Theories

Nicole Hardy | Socjournal | 16th July 2024

Useful list of definitions, ideal for those who are tired of hearing terms like "game theory" and "chaos theory" thrown around without having a precise sense of these concepts. For instance: social exchange theory "views society as a network of interactions driven by the evaluation of rewards and punishments, where all human relationships derive from a subjective cost-benefit analysis" (1,100 words)

How Do You Price Your Wine List?

Eliza Dumais | Punch | 10th July 2024

Restaurant sommeliers explain how they decide what to charge for wine. Prices are undoubtedly going up, in part because winemakers are facing rising costs, which are being passed on down the supply chain until they hit the customer's wallet. Selling a bottle for twice the wholesale price is considered generous; a markup of at least three times what the establishment paid is normal (1,000 words)

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