Monday memo #11: Joe Biden

Each day at the The Browser we recommend five or six of the best pieces of writing that we can find anywhere online. We read and sift away the junk to bring you only the finest pearls that the internet has to offer. In The Monday Memo we bring you four pieces of outstanding writing from our collection with a common theme. This week: the inimitable Joe Biden.
If there's any theme that you'd like us to address in a coming Memo, please let us know by replying to this email – we'll always be happy to hear from you.

Joe Biden Isn’t Finished

John Heilemann | New York | 2nd September 2012

"Biden is acutely sensitive to all of these perceptions of him. Some he shares, some he tolerates, others drive him batty. What he can’t abide is the concept that he has reached the end of the line. In a career riddled with tragedy and disgrace, with episodes of emotional, political, and even physical disaster and defeat, Biden always recovered, because he always had something left to prove"

Joe Biden In Winter

Glenn Thrush | Politico | 27th February 2014

"Laugh if you want", but Vice-President Joe Biden may yet run for the presidency in 2016, when he will be 73. “He’s in a predicament. It’s so big, it’s almost literary.” Opinion polls show Hillary Clinton leading Biden by an "epic" 73% to 12% for the Democratic nomination. But Biden "simply isn’t ready to quit ... He can see the end of the road approaching, and fast, but the gas gauge still reads full" (7,890 words)

Have You Heard The One About President Joe Biden?

Jeanne Marie Laskas | GQ | 17th July 2013

Warm, funny, smart, hugely readable profile of "the guy who is about a Hillary Clinton away from the White House." What you see is what you get. And then some. "He will say foolish things he doesn't quite mean, and he will say bluntly brilliant things that others long to say. It's his charm. It's his gift. It's his political liability ... To the extent that all politics is personal, Joe Biden is the historic monument" (6,200 words)

$#!% Joe Biden Says

Lisa DePaulo | GQ | 1st August 2010

Interview. "I think when the political pundits write about this election, they're gonna say that voters took a longer amount of time to make up their minds this time than any time in recent history. And the reason is, when you're angry, when you feel you have been just not treated well, you want to dwell on that. You don't want to have to make a choice" (6,200 words)
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With best wishes,

Robert Cottrell, Editor
Duncan Brown, Publisher