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[2]An Audience With Bashar Al-Assad
Alix Van Buren, Andrea Bonnani I Syria Comment I 25 May 2010
Translation of informative La Repubblica interview. Syrian perspective
little understood in West but Assad remarkably frank and concise here.
Mostly avoids usual word games. Lots of interesting titbits
[3]Inspirational Women Of Muslim World
Khaled Diab I The Guardian I 25 May 2010
A top 10 of mould-breaking women, starting with first convert to Islam.
Includes founder of one of world's oldest universities and Egyptian queen
who repelled Crusaders. Lebanese-born Miss USA doesn't make the list
[4]Magic Numbers, Mathemagical Tricksters
Alex Bellos | New Scientist | 24 May 2010
If the Monty Hall puzzle drove you mad, here's another one sure to do the
same: "I have two children. One is a boy born on a Tuesday. What is the
probability I have two boys?"
[5]Removable Truths
William Saletan I Slate I 25 May 2010
Temptations of memory engineering. Psychologist Elizabeth Loftus discredited
"recovered memories" in court cases. Showed memories could be implanted. So
how about giving people happier memories?
[6]Showtrial Of Naughty Children
Frank Furedi I Spiked Online I 25 May 2010
Pressure on adults not to discipline children leads to rape trials for 10
year olds. Society morally disoriented, unable to distinguish between
behaviour appropriate between adults, between children. Justice infantilised
[7]Top Ten Lessons Of Global Meltdown
Walter Russell Mead | American Interest | 24 May 2010
Useful piece of stock-taking. America, capitalism have emerged relatively
well. Nobody understands financial markets. Demographic crunch-time is here
[8]Is Eurozone Insolvent?
Wolfgang Munchau | FT | 23 May 2010
We assume Germany is able to bail out Greece if it wants. But German banking
system may be hiding €800bn in bad debts. Add in Germany's public debt, and
it's Germany that needs the bailout
[9]Polari, Language Born Of Prejudice
Paul Baker | Guardian | 24 May 2010
British gays used private language drawing on Elizabethan, Italian, Cockney,
Yiddish, theatrical slang. Police were "Betty bracelets", "orderly
daughters". Fell away in 1970s when homosexuality was legalised
[10]Shale Gas Will Change The World
Gideon Rachman | FT | 24 May 2010
Advancing technology gives US, Europe access to huge domestic reserves of
shale gas. Changes geopolitical fundamentals. Less reliance on Middle East,
Russia. May account for Russia's changing posture
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