Newsletter 22

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[2]We Can All Be Oscar
Stephen Fry I 9 June 2010
Text of inspiring Royal Academy speech. In an infantilised world our
appetite is great for the complex, ambiguous, peculiar. In other words, for
art. We should be less embarrassed, more Wildean in our engagement with it.
[3]Tesco, Purveyors Of Social Justice
Tim Montgomerie | London Times | 9 June 2010
In praise of private enterprise. Supermarkets create jobs, teach skills,
improve our diet. National happiness owes more to budget airlines,
commercial television, than to public policy
[4]Israel's Existential Crisis
Gadi Taub | New Republic | 9 June 2010
Sharp critique of flotilla fiasco. "Netanyahu and Barak just don’t
understand the basic parameters of the political map. For a country so
small, in the midst of a huge and hostile region, this is no niggling fear"
[5]Cognitive Surplus
Jonathan Lehrer | Barnes & Noble Review | 8 June 2010
Lehrer reviews Clay Shirky, who argues that we are ceasing to watch
television, thus acquiring lots of new spare time we can use more creatively
online. Lehrer interested but sceptical
[6]The Science Of Cake
Andy Connelly | Guardian | 9 June 2010
Brief history of cake-making from Egyptian times, with scientific,
philosophical footnotes. And recipes. "Baking a cake on a cold, drizzly,
miserable day can't help but make you feel better about the world"
[7]Adventures In American Sports
Lewis Lapham | Truthout | 8 June 2010
Languid, intelligent, reflective essay on place of sports in American life.
"The product is entertainment, but the franchise is the democratic dream of
[8]The Spill, The Scandal, The President
Tim Dickinson | Rolling Stone | 8 June 2010
Huge, meticulously reported feature on Deepwater Horizon leak, pinning blame
on Obama for green-lighting BP, while failing to reform regulatory agencies
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