Newsletter 870

Best of the Moment

Live On TV: The Fall Of Greece

Chris Heath | GQ | 12 December 2012

June 2012, just before the elections. A far-right MP appearing on a morning TV show throws his glass of water over one female guest and punches another in the face. What did it mean? Was it a metaphor for Greece's descent in chaos? Comments (

Let's Eliminate Sports Welfare

Patrick Hruby | Sports On Earth | 12 December 2012

Mitt Romney didn't win the election but he was right about one thing: There is in the US a class of system-gaming, parasitic moochers, sucking at the public teat. They're the owners of the big pro sports teams Comments (

Fallen Dean’s Life, Contradictory To Its Grisly End

William Rashbaum et al | NYT | 11 December 2012

Terrific story. Suicide of college dean on trial for fraud whose friends were "Catholic priests, Chinese gangsters, American lawmakers, a Taiwanese general". Big-time gambler. Alcoholic. Reputed murderer of first husband (of three) Comments (’s-life-contradictory-its-grisly-end)

General Principles

Dexter Filkins | New Yorker | 10 December 2012

How good a general was David Petraeus? "The truth is Petraeus really was exceptional," says Filkins, who spent a lot of time reporting from Iraq and Afghanistan. Especially when compared to his out-of-date, overpromoted predecessors Comments (

Why The Swedes Move To Norway And Why I Tagged Along

David Michael | Billfold | 11 December 2012

Norway's oil wealth makes for higher wages, shorter working hours, more demand for labour. Swedes flock there: 10% of Oslo residents are Swedish. "Young people today don’t want to work at all. It’s good that we have the Swedes" Comments (

Maj-Gen Tony Deane-Drummond

Anonymous | Telegraph | 4 December 2012

Aficionados agree: Best Telegraph obituary of 2012. Which is setting the bar very high indeed. One of those impossibly eventful army lives. Much WW2 heroism: three arrests and escapes, two weeks in a cupboard. Commanded SAS in Oman Comments (

FiveBooks Interview


Clarence B Jones on The Best Speeches of All Time

The friend and adviser to Martin Luther King Jr, who contributed to the ‘I Have a Dream’ speech, tells us how great speeches come about and what they can mean Read on (


Conflict in Syria

The Syrian conflict is causing terrible destruction and loss of life. This report charts how protests against the Assad regime descended into a bitter war  Read on (

Reader Recommendations

TorontoStar (  A couple good long reads: Life, death of an amazing toddler And South Africa's dream:  #browsings (!/search?q=#browsings)
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Book of the Day

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Mindset  by Carol Dweck

Susan Gelman says ( : “This book can teach you to raise motivated and compassionate children and help them become adults with grit, resilience and compassion”
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Video of the Day

The Cave. Plato's Allegory In Clay


Classic. If only one YouTube video survives the Mayan apocalypse, let it be this one More videos (

Quote of the Day

Larry Page, on Google (

"There's a tendency for people to think about the things that exist. Our job is to think of the thing you haven't thought of yet"

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