100 Waves

100 Things I Know

Mari Andrew | Out Of The Blue | 5th August 2023

Lengthy list of life-improving advice. Being good at cooking is mostly about adding lemon and salt. Always board the plane last. If you feel hot and sweaty, wash your hands and feet. Write to your old teachers and tell them what you still remember from their lessons. Use an endearment for yourself in your head. No therapist is better than a bad therapist. Many other gems contained therein (5,260 words)

1 thing I know: reading good writing is a delight. Get your fix: the full Browser sends five outstanding articles, a video and a podcast daily.

Killer Heat Waves Are Coming

David S. Jones | Boston Review | 1st June 2023

We have known that heat can kill humans for millennia, yet we have done very little about it. Hoping that temperatures rise slowly enough for acclimatisation or trying to air condition every indoor space will not be sufficient. This is a public health matter: we need to invest in heat protection infrastructure in the way that 19C governments poured money into sewers and sanitation systems (4,310 words)