Being Homesick


Zarina Zabrisky | Orion | 12th September 2023

War correspondent reports from Chernobyl, investigating whether the Russians dug trenches in the soil there during their recent occupation. Residents who have lived in the shadow of pogroms and nuclear fallout are resigned to this latest incursion. "As they were finally retreating, they didn’t have a map and couldn't figure out which way to flee. They asked us, 'Which way do we go?'" (4,600 words)

Being A News Avoider

Chris Dillow | Stumbling And Mumbling | 29th September 2023

Thoughts on why people might be avoiding consuming news. Frustration at the scarcity of useful or educational information shared offers one explanation. What if people want to be well-informed but find their outlets lacking? "For years, much of the public has been horribly wrong about basic facts about society. Which alerts us to the likelihood that the media does not properly inform us" (1,180 words)

However you consume your news, vary your diet with some great reads from outside the daily bubble. The full Browser sends five outstanding articles, a video and a podcast daily.