Blind History

I’m Completely Blind

Jeffry Ricker | Psyche | 18th September 2023

College professor, who recently lost his sight completely, explains how he acclimatised to life as a blind person. The hardest thing to adjust to was the disruption to his social world. The negativity from the sighted people in his life, even close friends, was difficult to accept. "Strangers often seemed anxious around me. Even people I had known for years sometimes avoided me" (2,000 words)

A Literary History Of Apple's Fake Texts

Max Read | Read Max | 16th September 2023

Since 2011, Apple's demonstrations of their latest devices have included uncanny fictional text messages and emails, concocted to show off the interface. The tone conveys a stilted, improbable cheeriness. These fake people in "Dimension Apple" are always demanding that others "send photos!", planning surprise parties and taking trips together. There is no irony, anywhere (1,700 words)

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