Bodybag Pedigree

Beamer, Dressman, Bodybag

Alexander Wells | European Review Of Books | 19th April 2023

Editor for an English-language monthly in Berlin considers "Denglisch, Berlinglish & global Englisch". The city's Anglophone inhabitants speak an ultra-local dialect formed from loanwords, puns and misunderstandings. This hybrid tongue is changing German, too. He takes pleasure in "my own language made camp", as he uses the language of Goethe to order «ein Flat White bitte» (3,534 words)

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A Gallop Through A Horse’s Pedigree

Mark Harvey | 3 Quarks Daily | 5th June 2023

Entertaining canter through one horse's family history. Bought at auction for his impressive turn of speed, Tatonka turns out to be a descendant of Native Dancer, a champion racehorse from the 1950s. Like all thoroughbreds, he is descended from one of just three early 18C stallions, at least one of whom came from Yemen. Although fast like his ancestors, Tatonka also has a lazy streak (1,773 words)

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