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Watching Bradley Cooper Chase An Oscar

Ariella Garmaise | Walrus | 8th March 2024

Cooper ticks all the boxes of a “serious actor” and yet, to date, has no Oscar to show for his twelve nominations. His latest attempt seems to demonstrate his yearning for victory — a biopic of Leonard Bernstein that he co-produced, co-wrote and directed as well as starred in. Cooper’s crime, to some, is that he visibly wants to win. “The only thing more embarrassing than trying is failing” (1,500 words)

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A Bigger World Is Better For Everyone

Jason Crawford | Roots Of Progress | 23rd February 2024

Not only should we not be aiming for a smaller global population, but there are good reasons to desire ever more people populating the world. The biggest one is progress: an expanding population means more researchers, which means more investment and specialisation, which results in better technology and problem-solving. An intriguing, if not completely successful, argument (1,600 words)

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