Chinese Archaeology

Conspiracy-Proof Archaeology

Telescopic Turnip | Malmesbury | 28th February 2022

Historiography is an arms race between ways to establish facts and ways to falsify them. Popular memory has never been reliable. Photographs and videos seemed trustworthy until ways were found to fake them. Carbon dating works, but samples can be salted. Genetics and paleogenetics are currently the best tools for some types of historical investigation, but even genes can be forged (1,850 words)

Wang Huning And Chinese Culture

Kerry Brown | US-China Perception Monitor | 28th March 2022

Western awareness of Chinese leaders follows a power law. Everyone knows of Xi Jinping. Some know of Li Keqiang. Almost nobody knows of Wang Huning. But Wang may yet prove the most consequential figure of his political generation. He is portrayed here as the deep thinker behind Xi's shift away from market liberalism and back towards "traditional" Communist and Confucian values (2,070 words)

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