Democratic Stop

Africa’s Democratic Dividend

Mohamed Kheir Omer & Parselelo Ole Kantai | African Arguments | 10th April 2024 | U

The post-colonial implementation of Western-style democracy across Africa has created fascinating hybrid models. The Gada system in Ethiopia likely predates most other forms of governance and prioritises term limits. In Somalia, the "4.5 formula" enables power sharing between clans. Rwanda, Senegal, Madagascar, Lesotho and Morocco incorporate proportional representation (3,100 words)

How to Stop Losing 17,500 Kidneys

Santi Ruiz | Statecraft | 10th April 2024 | U

The bad news: if you are an organ donor in the US, there is a one in four chance that your donation ends up in the bin rather than inside a human who needs it. "There are 17,500 kidneys, 7,500 livers, 1,500 hearts, and 1,500 lungs that go untransplanted every year." The US is also uniquely bad at this. The better news: this is a "fixable" problem that even politicians can agree on (5,700 words)

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