Discovery Pot

The Discovery Of The World

Clarice Lispector | Paris Review | 1st August 2022

For years, the editors of ‌Jornal do Brasil allowed novelist Clarice Lispector to write weekly about any subject she chose. The result was a genre-less series that hovered between commentary and stream of consciousness. Her frankness is piercing: "I was so happy that I huddled fearfully in one corner of the taxi because happiness hurts too. And all because I had seen a handsome man" (2,197 words)

The World’s Oldest Pot Plant

Brie Langley | Guardian | 29th July 2022

This giant cycad was brought to the UK in 1775 and resides in the Palm House at Kew Gardens. As the horticulturalist in charge explains, he is definitely a he, a "grumpy grandfather" who wants to be left in peace to grow. There is a philosophy of life here to absorb: "Plants will decide whether or not they want to grow. And there’s nothing we can do about it. We just have to get over it" (838 words)

Browser Bites explores a new idea each day, in under a minute. Join Uri Bram (Publisher of The Browser), Sebastian Park (@SebPark), and guests as they blitz through an idea in less time than it takes to brush your teeth.
Browser Bites
Browser Bites explores a new idea each day, in under a minute. Join Uri Bram (Publisher of The Browser), Sebastian Park (@SebPark), and guests as they blitz through an idea in less time than it takes to brush your teeth.
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*Ok, what would you say is most obviously like-a-pot-but-bigger? A vat, right? Better answers welcome.