Elephant Revolution

How Much For An Elephant?

Andrew Chapman | Histories | 5th August 2022

Tales of Charles Jamrach, a 19C dealer in wild animals in London's East End, as remembered by his local vicar, Reverend Harry Jones. "You pay £200 for a royal tiger, and £300 for an elephant. You may possibly buy a lion for £70. I suppose that there is no other place in the world where a domesticated parson could ring his bell and send his servant round the corner to buy a lion" (1,200 words)

Impresario Of Revolution

Catherine Merridale | Engelsberg Ideas | 5th August 2022

Intriguing sketch of Alexander Helpland, a Minsk-born bit-player in the Russian Revolution but perhaps a crucial one. Helpland charmed Trotsky, made a small fortune publishing Gorki in Germany, made a larger fortune dealing arms in World War One, then persuaded the German foreign ministry to bankroll his scheme to overturn the Tsars by exporting Lenin to Russia in a sealed train (2,100 words)

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Browser Bites
Browser Bites explores a new idea each day, in under a minute. Join Uri Bram (Publisher of The Browser), Sebastian Park (@SebPark), and guests as they blitz through an idea in less time than it takes to brush your teeth.

We can't sell you an elephant. Sure, they're interesting, but honestly they're more trouble than their worth. Get some talking points that won't trample your garden: five outstanding articles, a podcast and a video daily.