Exclaim Apocalypse

This week, The Browser looks back at some of our favourite selections from the year gone by.


Zach Mortice | Places Journal | 12th September 2023

History of the windowless tower-block at 33 Thomas Street in Manhattan, built for AT&T in 1974 as a “skyscraper inhabited by machines”, and now a hub of the NSA. It may well be the "densest inhabitable object in New York City”. Long a lodestar for conspiracy theorists, the tower is blast-proof, riot-proof, fallout-proof, and stocked with enough food and fuel to see off an apocalypse (7,600 words)

How To Exclaim!

Florence Hazrat | Millions | 11th October 2023

Ernest Hemingway liked exclamation marks to signal anticlimax. Salman Rushdie couldn't have too many: Midnight's Children averages six per page. Jane Austen's frequent use of the exclamation point, especially in moments of female emotional intensity, was apparently toned down by her editors. This punctuation mark, the "inky semaphore of the sentence", deserves to be used! (1,600 words)

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