Fear Pi

All We Have To Fear

Emily Walz | China Book Review | 14th March 2024 | U

US fear of China’s geopolitical role has persisted for over 150 years: “Xi Jinping’s techno-authoritarianism is only the latest model of the China spectre.” Ulysses S. Grant was predicting that China would soon become “dangerous” in 1879. This fear quickly merged with xenophobia, expressed in pop culture via villains like Fu Manchu, and was still extant by the time of the Covid pandemic (1,500 words)

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Why I Hate Pi Day

Oliver Johnson | Logging The World | 14th March 2023 | U

Pi Day, or 3/14 if you write the date in the US style, is a day upon which anyone “science-adjacent” will find themselves being told that the formula expressed in Euler's identity is “beautiful”. This professor disagrees. “It’s like a butterfly pinned to a card by a Victorian collector. You can imagine it taking to the air and flying if you think hard enough, but otherwise it just sits and does nothing” (900 words)

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