Flipping Zeus

Flipping Russian Spies

Szabolcs Panyi | VSquare | 1st February 2024

Former Hungarian intelligence officer explains the process when a Russian spy is found. Pre Ukraine invasion, he estimates that 34 per cent of Russian diplomats were confirmed spies. An attempt will likely be made to “flip” the spy. Cash and security guarantees will be required, as well as offers of medical treatment and education for family members. If they refuse, expulsion follows (2,500 words)

Declining Trust In Zeus

Adam Mastroianni | Experimental History | 31st January 2024

Some scientific progress is external and linked to physical improvements, but some comes purely from mental adjustments, like the use of randomised clinical trials. The decline in trust in institutions is just such an opportunity. “I’m so excited for people to become less impressed with our modern day Aristotles and Galens. Perhaps then people will be inspired to outdo them” (2,100 words)

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