Gibberish Party

California Unlocks Shakespeare’s Gibberish

Frank Bergon | Los Angeles Review Of Books | 23rd April 2024

Solution to a longstanding mystery about a passage of "gibberish" in All's Well That Ends Well. Act four includes lines like "boskos thromuldo boskos" that had been assumed to be nonsense words invented by Shakespeare. It is, in fact, based on Euskara, the Basque language, which can be heard spoken with sounds like this in parts of rural California where emigrés still live (1,900 words)

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The Rise And Fall Of The LAN Party

Merritt K | Aftermath | 11th April 2024

The early 2000s were a singular moment for players of videogames, when the "isolated gamer" stereotype began to fade. Gameplay was becoming more complex and cinematic, but low internet speeds made it difficult to play together online. The LAN party — "local area network" — was the solution. Players brought their computers to communal spaces and plugged in together (2,900 words)

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