God Towns

God Died in 1975

Charles Price | Conversation | 19th July 2023

The death of Emperor Haile Selassie in 1975 provoked an "existential crisis" for Rastafarian sects which believed him to be the Messiah. Some refused to accept his passing; others waited for God to issue further guidance. Half a century later, while no new doctrine has been proclaimed, Rastafarians seem to be more accepting of the view that Selassie was a king and a prophet but not a Messiah (1,000 words)

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Walmarts And Small Towns

Addison Del Mastro | Discourse | 24th July 2023

A Walmart is the size of a small town — and perhaps that is the right way to think about a Walmart. It doesn't compete with individual shops, it competes with entire town centres, and it has the advantage of being pedestrianised. "If we could transpose the commercially vibrant walkability of a modern Walmart back to the downtowns it killed, those towns would be their old selves" (1,100 words)