Gravity Herzog

When Gravity Sucked

Matthew Wills | JSTOR | 3rd November 2023

Einstein's theory of general relativity was admired but otherwise neglected for decades in America. Although it explained gravitation, it had no obvious strategic applications. Serious research began only in the 1950s thanks to funding from two businessmen, Robert Babson and Agnew Bahnson, who thought that gravity was a threat to humanity and wanted to find a way of getting rid of it (820 words)

What Would Herzog Do?

Caterina Fake | 2nd November 2023

When all the world is against you, ask yourself: What Would Werner Herzog Do? Herzog's new memoir recommends an approach to life something like this: "Don’t get distracted by meaningless tripe. Don’t fight for prizes not worth winning. Follow through, get it done, learn to pick locks and walk long distances. Be strong, be smart, bring your toothbrush, be kind, work hard, be beautiful" (1,055 words)

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