Hylomorphism Checks


Jeremy Skrzypek | 1000-Word Philosophy | 4th December 2023

Introduction to a school of philosophical argument holding that the nature of a thing depends more on the form of the thing than on its substance. A flat-pack table from Ikea, when still in its box, it is not a "table". It becomes a "table" only when it has been properly assembled. This may sound obvious once it has been pointed out, but such is often the case with useful ideas (1,900 words)

The Long Shadow Of Checks

Patrick McKenzie | Bits About Money | 13th December 2023

Checking-accounts dominate American retail banking even though checks are all but obsolete. A checking-account creates a credit relationship between bank and customer whether the customer likes it or not. "Most disagreements between you and a grocery store are beneath the notice of the law. If you and your grocery store have a disagreement about a check specifically, you can go to jail" (3,100 words)

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