Left Pomeranians

What Is Left?

Rebecca Solnit | LitHub | 23rd February 2024

To be on the left “has long meant a grab bag full of contradictions”. Since 1917, the left has both opposed and supported authoritarianism, stood up for universal human rights while ignoring rights-based oppressions, and both supported and scorned organised religion. Perhaps this is just “a problem of nomenclature”? The aim should be “truth in labelling and clarity in categories” (1,900 words)

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Of Chairs And Pomeranians

Michael Glover | Hyperallergic | 22nd February 2024

Flâneur’s progress. On Sundays, London’s Pomeranians and their owners meet by the Albert Memorial. After viewing these “ridiculous fluff-balls of varying sizes”, the writer enjoys a Barbara Kruger retrospective before contemplating the screwed-down chairs that have now appeared at odd angles on pavements all over the city. “To meet a lover’s gaze, you have to crane your neck” (1,000 words)

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