Naked Ends

Naked Beneath Our Clothes

Jeannette Cooperman | Common Reader | 20th October 2023

Account of a couple's visit to a nudist resort. Both are nervous. She is worried about the etiquette of touching someone during a conversation when nobody is dressed. He is concerned about accidentally ogling the other guests. He is relieved to put the "protection" of his clothes back on, while she finds "the softened gazes and absence of awkwardness" intellectually liberating (5,530 words)

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The Ends Of Knowledge

Rachael Scarborough King | Aeon | 29th September 2023

A valid question about the future of academia: what could learning look like "if it were reoriented around emergent ends rather than inherited structures"? The answer is elusive here, but it bears considering. We accept that needs evolve and new areas of study open up, but the other side of that is that the demand for other areas diminishes. At what point do we start closing departments? (3,200 words)

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