Nation Lighthouse

Who Gets A Nation?

Kal Raustiala | Noēma | 4th January 2024

Not everyone. “Our world of 200 or so independent nations could easily be broken up into 300, 400, 500 sovereign states.” These are places like Tibet inside China, Puerto Rico and Hawaii in the US, and Scotland in the UK. Distinct “peoples” are assumed to have the right to self-determination. But what is a people? We look to the UN to rule on such questions, but it tends always towards stasis (3,500 words)

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A Lighthouse Keeper Hangs Up Her Bonnet

Diana Cervantes | Hakai | 19th December 2023

Marking the retirement of the US’s last official lighthouse keeper. For 20 years, Sally Snowman served the Boston Light on Little Brewster Island. Now in her seventies, she was its first female custodian. She often dressed as a lighthouse keeper’s wife from 1783, both for historical authenticity and “so that her colleagues in the coast guard can easily recognise her from a distance” (1,180 words)

What's a retired lighthouse keeper to do, now the lighthouse keeping's done? Put her feet up - and perhaps enjoy five outstanding articles, a video and a podcast daily with the full Browser.