Opera Talk

She Used To Sing Opera

Imogen Crimp | Granta | 3rd February 2022

On the complicated welter of emotions evoked by a failed attempt at becoming an opera singer. The training is hellish and the prize upon graduation loses its sheen. "I’m a soubrette, the lightest type of soprano voice. My main bread-and-butter is sluts and children – Emmie, Zerlina, Despina... These would be my roles, I realise. Sluts and children. This would be my entire career" (4,669 words)

What Was The TED Talk?​

Oscar Schwartz | The Drift | 31st January 2022 | BMP 3/m

Astute assessment of the impact that the TED Talk had on the cultural role of the public intellectual. No punches are pulled. At the height of its popularity, the "inspiresting" style of these speakers was reaching tens of millions. This mode is "earnest and contrived. It is smart but not quite intellectual, personal but not sincere, jokey but not funny. It is an aesthetic of populist elitism" (4,757 words)


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Podcast: The Science Of Dreams | Knowable. Dreams are subjective, hard to share, and difficult to analyse — a terrible subject for scientific inquiry. This history of attempts to understand dreams since Freud is illuminating (31m 27s)

Video: Kinda Magic Socks | YouTube | Wool And The Gang. Cheerful timelapse of a knitter making one patterned sock from a single ball of wool. As in all the best stop motion animation, the final product seems to appear by magic (1m 29s)

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