Parry Time

Deep Time Sickness

Lachlan Summers | Noema | 14th July 2022

Earthquake victims in Mexico City experience time differently. Cracks in buildings progress slowly, hard to track unless lines are drawn on walls. Movement is at geological speed, but the earth threatens sudden upset any moment. Residents live fixated by fear of this happening. "She was not doing the approaching. It was the day the building would fall that was doing the approaching" (3,847 words)

Milman Parry

Robert Kanigel | Harvard Magazine | 20th August 2022

Parry was a student of Greek who died in 1935 at the age of 33, but he was consumed by an idea that would long outlive him: that it was an oral, not written, culture that had produced the Odyssey and the Iliad. By recording the songs of Serbia's surviving guslars — wandering singers who performed poems — Parry was able to argue for the existence of a similar Homeric process (901 words)

Oral tradition or written tradition: either way, great stories are meant to be shared.
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