Presents and Artichokes

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Smiling At A Deadweight Loss

Koen Smets | Koenfucius | 17th December 2021

When Christmas approaches, anybody with a smattering of popular economics will refer knowingly to the "deadweight cost of Christmas" — the title of a 1993 study which compared the purchase-price of Christmas presents with the (usually much lower) cash value placed on them by their recipients. But this framing is so narrow as to be simply wrong. It excludes the joy of giving and receiving (1,230 words)

🦒: Browser Readers On Foods With Misleading Origins

Browser Readers | The Browser | 11th December 2021

Mongolian barbecue was invented in Taiwan; English muffins were first made in New York City; French fries were invented in Belgium when Belgium was still called the Spanish Netherlands; the Jerusalem artichoke is native to North America. Browser readers delighted us with an astounding array of foods which make utterly misleading claims about their places of origin (1,280 words)


Do you know your whodunnits from your howdunnits? Your locked rooms from your impossible crimes? Go deep on all aspects of the classic murder mystery with Shedunnit, the podcast from Browser editor Caroline Crampton. Listen to Shedunnit now in your podcast app of choice.

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Caroline Crampton, Editor-In-Chief; Robert Cottrell, Founding Editor; Jodi Ettenberg, Associate Editor; Uri Bram, CEO & Publisher; Al Breach, Founding Director

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