Rejection Dust

The Dust Of God

Sam Kriss | Numb At The Lodge | 24th March 2024

On meteor cults, which offer an explanation for human religion. "There’s a chance that the entity billions of us now refer to as God began, 3,000 years ago, as a small lump of rock. Before he was the sole creator of the universe, lord of everything, beyond space, beyond time, not a being among beings but the ground of all being — before that, he spent billions of years erratically orbiting the Sun" (5,900 words)

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Toni Morrison’s Rejection Letters

Melina Moe | Los Angeles Review Of Books | 26th March 2024

This survey of the hundreds of rejection letters Morrison wrote during her 16 years at Random House suggests that she was a very good editor. Too good, perhaps, for the era of aggressive corporate consolidation she witnessed. She was not afraid to be blunt — "it simply wasn’t interesting enough", one slip reads — but she was always honest, and did her best to help unjustly rejected writers (2,500 words)

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