Reverend Moon

Rev Richard Coles And Richard Dawkins

Sam Wollaston | Guardian | 31st July 2022

Discussion between two people destined to disagree: Dawkins, atheist scientist, and Coles, Church of England vicar. They cover the gospels, HIV, music, Darwin, and much more. What emerges is a conflict between feelings and facts, but there is still the possibility of accord. As Dawkins says: "You’re the kind of vicar who is much harder to argue with because that’s a reasonable point" (1,254 words)

Dialling The Moon

Peter Hitchens | The Lamp | 14th July 2022

Memoir of a life spent worrying about the telephone. Saddest of all is this anecdote, about helping a stranger check if his handset is functioning. "I was not sure afterwards whether this increased or lessened his misery, but the encounter made me think less of myself and has done ever since. Had I condemned others in my life to wait by telephones that did not ring?" (1,693 words)

If you don't like the telephone
But do not like to be alone
A remedy that never fails,
Of course, is electronic mails.
But what if those who correspond
With you, are - frankly - though we're fond
Of them, of course - quite boring? Friend!
Your days of snoring we shall end
By sending you five bits of writing
Scintillating and exciting
Plus one vid and one podcast!
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