Ruined Pint

The People Who Ruined The Internet

Amanda Chicago Lewis | Verge | 1st November 2023

They are the SEO “experts”, and it is their fault that you can’t find anything on Google. “The more I thought about search engine optimisation and how a bunch of megalomaniacal jerks were degrading our sense of reality because they wanted to buy Lamborghinis and prove they could vanquish the almighty algorithm, the more I looked forward to going to Florida for this alligator party” (8,530 words)

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Everybody’s talking about the impact of AI on business – few people understand it. Be one of them with The Business Of Big Data

A Pint For The Alewives

Akanksha Singh | JSTOR | 5th December 2023

Until the 14C when plague radically reduced the population of Europe, the brewing of beer was women’s work. It now has overtly masculine associations, but ale was once the sole liquid any medieval peasant could drink safely. The “alewife” or “brewster” performed this perpetual domestic labour, soaking and fermenting grain to produce ale for household consumption and for sale (1,060 words)

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