Rushdie Vibes

Rushdie, Khomeini And Me

Amir Ahmadi Arian | London Review Of Books | 15th May 2024

“To ordinary people in Iran, the fatwa came out of nowhere. The country had just emerged from the Iran-Iraq War. The 86-year-old Khomeini was close to death. No one had the time to worry about a novel. On 13 February 1989, two British Muslim activists, Kalim and Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, ran into Khatami, Iran’s Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance. The fatwa was issued the next day” (3,200 words)

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The Natural Selection Of Bad Vibes

Kevin Dorst | Stranger Apologies | 11th May 2024

There is a reason for the perennial gap between pessimistic public discourse and the “chart-wielding optimists” who claim things are better than ever. People — rationally — tend to focus conversations on solving problems, with the unintended side effect of excess pessimism, even when times are largely good. As the information age multiplies the number of conversation topics, excess pessimism would increase (2,400 words)

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