Tasty Language

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What Is Great Taste?

Max Fletcher | Vittles | 17th January 2022

Is it ever possible to say definitively if one food tastes better than another? Judges for the Great Taste Awards, the UK's most prestigious food prize, follow an esoteric procedure as part of an attempt to do so. Each judge eats a blind and random assortment of the 14,000 entries so that no one palette can dominate. As a result, "you might taste a collagen powder right after some haslet" (2,693 words)

You Don’t Think In Any Language

David J. Lobina | 3 Quarks Daily | 17th January 2022

Natural languages, like English or Spanish, may be used for an interior monologue. Beneath that thoughts have a different, and perhaps more universal, mode of expression. "The language of thought is the common code in which concepts are couched... We all think in roughly the same mental language, a system composed of concepts that allows us to represent and make sense of the world" (2,114 words)


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Five Books: The Best Nonfiction Books Of 2021. Five Books editor Sophie Roell shares some of her favourite nonfiction books of the year, from history to economics, lessons on how to write like Chekhov to the part each of us can play in reducing political polarization.

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