Temple Smashing

The Perils Of Smashing The Past

Nathan Gardels | Noema | 17th June 2022

An exhibition of Italian futurist art illuminates the parallels between this early 20C movement and today's techno-utopianism. Both emerged from periods of social anxiety and upheaval, when a "fortification of identity" began to slide into violence and polarisation. In such times, this writer argues, political and cultural logic are inherently at odds with the progress of economics and technology (926 words)

The German And His Temple

Matti Friedman | Tablet | 13th June 2022

Intriguing story of a mysterious man who wanted to build a peace temple in Jerusalem but was clubbed to death at his shack in the West Bank before he could see his design realised. A German Christian, little is known about him and investigating the little detail that remains "felt like excavating those burned scrolls in Pompeii that disintegrate when you touch them" (3,815 words)

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From horror to something much hope-ier;
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