Temporal Endings

Temporal Belonging

Lauren Collee | Real Life | 1st June 2022

The digital age requires a new concept of time, uncoupled from the presumption that there is "a static, natural relationship to time, common to all". Online, all time is relative, no matter how our devices attempt to regulate our circadian rhythms with their blue light filters and reminders to "wind down". The internet is not a timeless zone, but using it makes us feel divorced from temporality (3,993 words)

Ten Ways Of Thinking About Endings

George Saunders | Story Club | 26th May 2022

Novelist's advice column, in which he answers the question "how do you know how to end a story?" with a sequences of sketches that could be a story themselves. The theme that runs through it all is self-knowledge — a writer must know when their work is falling short. "A good ending, really, is a taking-into-account of everything that came before. Sometimes – not enough has come before" (2,107 words)

If your days feels shut off from Time
Then give 'em a rhythm sublime.
Just use, as your measure
Five readings to treasure!
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