Trains and Altruism

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Searching For Sleeper Trains

Stefani Cox | Rumpus | 4th November 2021 | U

Personal history told via moments of connection with the railway. This insomniac writer's great-grandfather was a Pullman porter after the Civil War, ferrying his upwardly mobile son's laundry from university along the track to be washed at the place he had left behind. Now, she dreams of riding the train all the way up the USA's western coast and sleeping peacefully, at last (2,610 words)

🦒: Alexander Berger On Normal Awesome Altruism

Applied Divinity | The Browser | 8th December 2021 | U

Co-CEO of Open Philanthropy on different kinds of altruism. Having and raising kids "seems like an awesome, and very normal, altruistic thing to do." Donating money and kidneys are "relatively rare big decisions that reward thought and diligence," where "you don’t have to get it right in the moment, or the first time, or change a deeply ingrained habit (all of which are things I struggle more with)." (5,235 words)


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