Unstallable Attic

The Unstallable Plane That Stalled

Sylvia Wrigley | Fear Of Landing | 26th April 2024

The Cessna 185 Skywagon is a small aircraft popular in remote areas without proper airstrips. With modification, it can take off from and land on water. The pilot flying one in Finland on 30th April 2003 believed that it was incapable of stalling, which is the major reason that he crashed it into a lake seconds after take off. That, and he wasn't wearing the safety shoulder harness (4,000 words)

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Tales From An Attic

Sierra Bellows | American Scholar | 4th March 2024

In 1995, the Willard Asylum for the Chronic Insane in New York closed. Over 400 suitcases belonging to patients were found in an attic. The contents are revealing not of high psychological drama, but the mundanities of life. One held a military uniform and WW2 ration books, another a library slip from borrowing a Freud volume in 1929. Patient Benjamin M's luggage held only a toothpick (7,700 words)

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