Weirder Bird

It’s Getting Weirder

Laura Hazard Owen | NiemanLab | 7th March 2024

This timeline of Royal PR missteps is interesting for the interview at the top with a former royal correspondent, who explains some of the eccentricities of the job. There is no unified Royal media team, and different palaces connive and compete. The “royal rota” of core reporters may get direct information, but can never acknowledge it as such. And Royal handlers can silence newspapers (8,700 words)

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Backyard Bird Diary

Amy Tan | Paris Review | 13th March 2024

Illustrated field notes from the author of The Joy Luck Club. Carefully, she cultivates a returning flock of species and “ a menagerie of fledglings” that consider her trustworthy. “The more I observe, the more I realise that every part of a bird and every behaviour has a specific purpose, a reason, and an individual meaning. Instinct does not account for everything that is fascinating” (2,500 words)

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