Wildlife Press

Europe’s Secret Wildlife Movement

Isobel Cockerell | Coda Story | 27th June 2023

Secretive networks of enthusiasts are conducting maverick rewilding projects by stealth. "Beaver bombers" have been releasing the animals into the wild since the 1990s, and there are similar efforts around butterflies, pine martens and boars. More "official" rewilding projects may get bogged down by regulation or end up as the playthings of "rich hobbyists", but these activists ignore it all (3,550 words)

What Did The Press Learn?

Tom Scocca & Maria Bustillos | Indignity | 27th June 2023

Conversation about the breaking news coverage of Yevgeny Prigozhin’s mutiny. The decline of Twitter made it difficult to get verifiable updates in real time and many pundits were publishing speculation without knowledge but with plenty of fear. "The difficulty of having experts weigh in on the news, especially on instant deadline, is that news is fundamentally inimical to expertise" (2,767 words)

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