Witch Scandal

Witch Trials Of The Arctic Circle

Chelsea Iversen | LitHub | 19th December 2023 | U

In the far north of Norway, the witch hunts of the 17C were especially intense. Over 130 people were accused of trolldom, or witchcraft — amounting to about five per cent of the area’s population. Of these, 92 were executed. Chains of denunciation were common, in which one accused woman would seek to save herself by condemning others. The court transcripts are “the stuff of fantasy” (1,144 words)

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The Harvard Morgue Scandal

Brenna Ehrlich | Rolling Stone | 4th December 2023 | U

Grisly scandal at the world-famous college. The “Anatomical Gift Programme”, through which people donated their bodies to science to help train the next generation of doctors, seems to have formed the basis of a lucrative black market in stolen body parts. Many donors were attracted by Harvard’s prestige. Now their families aren’t even sure if the ashes they received are genuine (5,000 words)

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