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Writing Worth Reading

* [2]Unfreezing Arctic Assets
   Laurence Smith | WSJ | 18 September 2010
   Speculation on how Arctic north might look in 2050, boosted by global
   warming and high energy prices. Maybe a bit like Nevada: bleak for the
   most part, but with thriving cities
 * [3]De Condimentis: Umami
   Tom Nealon | HiLoBrow | 18 September 2010
   History of free glutamates, which supply compelling taste to favourite
   foods including roquefort, parmesan, Marmite, caesar salad, and bacon
   cheeseburger with ketchup
 * [4]Teaching Journalists To Read
   Felix Salmon | Reuters | 17 September 2010
   Of course reporting is vital. But so is curation, comment, discussion.
   "It’s always much more fun reading a Gawker pickup of a Washington Post
   story than reading the original piece"
 * [5]Target Cancer
   Amy Harmon | NYT | 18 September 2010
   Gripping, troubling story. Two cousins get cancer. Both entered for
   clinical trial of new drug already known to be effective. One gets drug
   and lives. Other assigned to control group, and dies
 * Topic: God And The Vatican
   Essays and interviews on the economics of sainthood, the pope and
   globalisation, child abuse, and... [6]Continue reading...

[7]Today on FiveBooks: The History of Iraq

About [8]The Browser: _Editor_, [9]Robert Cottrell; _Managing
Partner_, [10]Al Breach. Please [11]write to us if you would like to make a
comment on the site, or suggest a link.
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