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Writing Worth Reading

* [2]Pessimist's Guide To Next 10 Years
   Douglas Coupland | Globe & Mail | 8 October 2010
   Practical tips for making the best of the bad decade to come. "Try to
   live near a subway entrance. In a world of crazy-expensive oil, it's the
   only real estate that will hold its value, if not increase"
 * [3]Europe Between Hitler and Stalin
   Neal Ascherson | Guardian | 9 October 2010
   High praise for book on Europe's murderous decades. Timothy Snyder
   "brings together the enormous mass of fresh research into Soviet and
   Nazi killing, and produces something like a final and definitive
 * [4]Google Cars Drive Themselves
   John Markoff | NYT | 9 October 2010
   And it's not an April 1st dateline. News from the future. Google has
   quietly developed a fleet of driverless cars operating safely on
   California roads, even in busy traffic, using AI, GPS and sensors
 * [5]Why Do We Root For Underdogs?
   Kari Tulinius | Run Of Play | 9 October 2010
   Underdogs should be charming, likeable, not merely tormentors of others.
   Best are tricksters showing up the powerful. For football fans, backing
   underdogs can be form of pain management
 * [6]Women Don't Want To Run Startups
   Penelope Trunk | TechCrunch | 9 October 2010
   Entrepreneur steps back from her startup, explains why. Offers a few
   home truths to women. Don't even think about launching startup if you
   have young kids. Employ men in their twenties. Prepare for hell anyway
 * [7]The Politicisation Of Judaism
   Brandon Davis | Daily Princetonian | 6 October 2010
   Tribalism that persuaded Jewish people to stand up for Israel
   unconditionally is foolish, outdated. The occupation is wrong, the
   blockade is wrong, the displacement of people is wrong. American Jews
   must say so
 * Topic: Invented Languages

From Na'avi and Klingon to Esperanto and Pascal, by way of Polari and
   gender-neutral pronouns. Most... [8]Continue reading...

[9]Today on FiveBooks: Wonderful Cookbooks

About [10]The Browser: _Editor_, [11]Robert Cottrell; _Managing
Partner_, [12]Al Breach. Please [13]write to us if you would like to make a
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