Newsletter 23

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[2]Alone, With Words
Jed Perl | New Republic | 9 June 2010
Publication has become so quick and easy that we have lost the sense of
writing as a private act, with its own purpose and value, quite distinct
from the public act of being read
[3]Belgium's Struggle With Federalism
Charlemagne | Economist | 9 June 2010
Failure of federalism has brought Belgium to brink of social and economic
collapse. Europeans won't stand for large-scale transfers of wealth from
north to south, even within a single country
[4]The End Of Men
Hannah Rosin | Atlantic | July 2010
US parents prefer daughters over sons. Even Asia following suit. Why?
Because women outperform men in advanced, post-industrial economies. More
productive, more employable, better educated
[5]US Should Look To South Africa
Mark Kende | Christian Science Monitor | 10 June 2010
Supreme Court nomination process is unedifying spectacle, minefield for
candidates. Law professor argues for de-politicised approach, drawing on
successful South African experience.
[6]Egypt's Waning Influence
Alastair Crooke | NYT | 9 June 2010
Regional power shift. Egypt, Saudi Arabia fading as champions of Palestinian
cause. Iran, Turkey, Syria taking over. Biggest loser: Egypt's Mubarak,
whose bid to install his son is also failing
[7]Iran's Hero Was A War Criminal
Geoffrey Robertson | Daily Beast | 9 June 2010
Revolutionary Guards executed thousands of political prisoners at end of
Iran-Iraq war in 1988. Mir Hussein Moussavi was prime minister. He, Khamenei
and Rafsanjani should be serving prison terms
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[8]ON OUR SISTER SITE, FIVEBOOKS.COM: This week's theme—The World Cup

About [9]The Browser: _Editor_, [10]Robert Cottrell; _Managing
Partner_, [11]Al Breach. Please [12]write to us if you would like to make a
comment on the site, or suggest a link.
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