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[2] Politically Incorrect Guide To Ending Poverty
Sebastian Mallaby | Atlantic | July 2010
Paul Romer's "charter cities". Poor countries can kick-start development by
creating pro-business cities with liberal laws: as with Lübeck in medieval
Europe, Hong Kong in China

[3] Google, Reputation And Privacy
David Thompson | Volokh Conspiracy | 10 June 2010
Google has changed legal and conceptual fundamentals for libel, reputation,
privacy. Ramblings of a lone speaker can reach more readers than the New
York Times, and stay readable for ever

[4] World Cup: Team-By-Team Analysis
Jeff Blum | n+1 | 10 June 2010
Nicely judged mix of serious information and derisive snark. Especially
recommended to non-football-fans who want a rough idea of what everyone else
is talking about in the month ahead

[5] Misery In North Korea
Sharon LaFraniere | NYT | 9 June 2010
Refugees in China describe poverty, misery of life in North Korea, made much
worse by devaluation last year which wiped out private savings, felt by many
as biggest disaster since famine of 1990s

[6] Can Giraffes Swim?
Darren Naish | Tetrapodzoology | 2 June 2010
Widely believed that giraffes cannot even float. And they are, indeed, a
very  funny shape. Sceptical scientists test claim with digital model.
Conclusion: giraffes can swim, but very badly

[7] Israel's Gift To Iran's Hardliners
Juan Cole | TomDispatch | 10 June 2010
A  year on from Iran's disputed election, hardliners are strengthened,
reformists weakened. Explanation lies in regime's skill at repression, but
Israeli, American actions also to blame. All in all, a sordid tale.

[8] True Story Of American Soccer
Dave Eggers | Slate | 10 June 2010
Republished 2006 article with gently humourous take on US indifference to
football.  Is  it because it's the chosen sport of communists, because
Americans didn't invent it, or just because of distaste for fakery and

[9] ON OUR SISTER SITE, FIVEBOOKS.COM: This week's theme—The World Cup

About [10]The      Browser: _Editor_, [11]Robert      Cottrell; _Managing
Partner_, [12]Al Breach. Please [13]write to us if you would like to make a
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