Newsletter 41

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[2]Squirrel Outwits To Survive
Natalie Angier | NYT | 5 July 2010
Grey squirrels are patient, smart, tough, athletic, sociable, chatty. "At
the end of a hard day’s forage, they greet each other with a mutual nuzzling
of cheek and lip glands that looks decidedly like a kiss"
[3]A Networking Primer
Sean Safford | OrgTheory | 6 July 2010
Management professor explains, in highly stylised form, how to find people
you need with knowledge you want. Roughly speaking, they're often friends of
your casual acquaintances
[4]Not My Cup Of Lapsang Souchong
Bruce Palling | Gastroenophile | 6 July 2010
Critic confronts pretentious London restaurant. "What is the style of the
food? I think it is best described as laboratory cuisine, with tweezers
being the most visible implements in the kitchen"
[5]Everything About Russian Spies
Steve Levine | Oil & Glory | 6 July 2010
Boris Volodarsky, ex-Russian special forces officer, says spy-ring
discovered in US was big, serious operation. Members not meant to spy
themselves, but to recruit and run American agents
[6]Drowning Doesn't Look Like Drowning
Mario Vittone | gCaptain | 10 June 2010
News you can use—and a powerful read too. "There is very little splashing,
no waving, and no yelling or calls for help of any kind". Adult can watch
child drown, and not know there's a problem
[7]Beryl Bainbridge Remembered
A.N. Wilson | Observer | 4 July 2010
Memoir of dark, mischievous, chain-smoking British novelist. "I'm sorry
we've no small change, pet," she told a Cancer Research collector in her
local pub, "but if it helps … I have got cancer"
[8]Is Yemen The Next Afghanistan?
Robert Worth | NYT Magazine | 6 July 2010
Dumb headline over a wonderful piece of writing. Portrait of Yemen and its
simmering discontents. Rare sense of how Al-Qaeda looks and feels in local
habitat. Local politics made vivid, accessible
[9]A Little Economic Realism
David Brooks | NYT | 5 July 2010
Demand-side economists urge Obama to pour more borrowed money into more
stimulus spending. They're clever—but all they have is a model. You don't
risk national insolvency on the basis of a model
[10]Rehabilitation Of Conrad Black
Margaret Wente | Globe and Mail | 6 July 2010
By comparison with Wall Street's more recent excesses, Black's
transgressions come to seem modest. Prison seems to made him a gentler
person—touched, like Martha Stewart, by contact with underclass
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About [12]The Browser: _Editor_, [13]Robert Cottrell; _Managing
Partner_, [14]Al Breach. Please [15]write to us if you would like to make a
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